My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

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My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II

With the new year I embark on a new adventure.
I have decided to bring my video camera to work nights on the layout. With the idea of sharing our model railroad adventures with the YouTube community. This is something I have been contemplating for a while now. I have been following others on YouTube for some time, and finally got inspired enough to do it.

Whenever I have a video that talks about the HOn3 / Colorado Southern part of the layout, I may add it to this thread.

My intent is to upload once a week. Most likely on Wednesdays.
The videos I post at this point in time are going to be about a month and a half behind reality.
This is because I wanted to have a little bit of a backlog of videos, and to see if my time frame for editing videos was achievable.

I hope you all enjoy the videos.
Will see where this all ends up.

Here is a link to a webpage I setup just to make it easy to find my YouTube channel.

The Nearly Historical Railroad

And a link to the channel itself.

And links to the first and second videos.

If you find the videos interesting and or entertaining please Subscribe and share the videos.
And Thank you all for being such a great wealth of information and a great community to be a part of!
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Next video is up.

Building the Divide. Giant Marshmallow Mountain! Part 3

I had a lot of fun putting this video together.
Worked more on the Mountain area of St Elmo, Romley, Flora Bell Mine, and the Mary Murphy Mine.
I show more about how we made this mountain using cardboard, paper and Hydrocal.
Will do rock molds and real scenery later. Not shown in this video but we have started laying ties.

HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
In reply to this post by Don Gustavson II
In my latest video, our very own Ken Martin makes an appearance.
He had come over to see my layout during our last open house. Thanks again for doing that Ken.
So the next weekend I drove over to Sacramento to visit Ken, and the train club he is a member of during an open house they had.  The Sacramento Model Railroad Historical Society.

Unfortunately, Ken was not at the club at the time. Really wanted to have him tell me all about their HOn3 layout. I did track him down later in the day.
I was able however to get some video of the two layouts at the club. Including some C & S stuff.

Thanks again Ken for making the trip over to meet my layout and I in person.

Also thanks to Rick for letting me film him describing the standard gauge layout.

I had a great time.

ROAD TRIP! Left my layout behind in search of Ken.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Ken Martin

Nice video, good shots of the society layout.

I sent a link to Rick Hansen who did the description.

We will be open again during the PCR Convention in May.

Ken Martin
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Jim Courtney
In reply to this post by Don Gustavson II
The Road Trip video is great!!

Nice to meet Ken Martin, even by You Tube.

And the shots of 343 with the Ridgeway spark arrestor, pulling the Overland C&S RPO and coach was inspiring -- need to get on with painting and lettering my C&S HOn3 passenger cars and finishing RPO 11.

And if Bob Stears can provide the decals, maybe my Sn3 passenger cars have a chance of getting finished.
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Thank you Ken and Jim.
Always good to here some positive feedback.
Thanks Ken for passing it on to Rick.

My next video is up.
I talk about some history of the layout. And some future track plans.

CONFESSION Time! I have to come clean with you. Destroy & Reroute.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Moving what I am calling the King City Coal mine so we can reroute the main line.

We CUT out the Coal Mine! Layout update 5
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
In this video I reclaim some hand laid roadbed. Then I start making it work for the ROW around the King city coal mine.
Reusing this roadbed.. Not sure it is saving me time or not.  Oh well. Glad I am reusing it.  

Don’t Throw Out That Old Bed, recycle it!
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
In this video (other than tearing out a small trestle in order to relocate it)
I talk about out my plans for Kenosha Pass.
In fact I have most of the roadbed in place for it already. Witch you will get to see in this video.
Well I started this about a year ago. But this trestle was in the way of progress. So now that it's gone. It's no longer a hold up / excuse and  I can move forward in the area of Kenosha Pass.
Removing a bridge. As Gently as a Reciprocating Saw!  But I have a good reason to.

Hope some of you are enjoying these videos. I have had fun doing them.

HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Next video is up.
In this video we hand lay some ties in the King City Coal mine area.
And fixed my Trestle that I moved.

Made progress on the ROW at St. Elmo.

Plus other goodies.

"Fast way to  hand lay track. How to fix mismatched rail sizes. Get better sound from your speaker. "

I do upload a video every Wednesday night. But I do not always post it here.

Hope you all enjoy. If so please Subscribe.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
In reply to this post by Don Gustavson II
New video is up.
I actually got the main line back in service around the King City Coal Mine.

New mainline not completely successfully. But, trains steamed up and running at King City Coal Mine.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
New video up.
A short one.
In this video I started running the new main line underneath Kenosha Pass.

New Mountain Roadbed. And the Evil Turnout # 50
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
New video.

As far as C&S related. More work on the roadbed inside my Kenosha Grade/Pass Mountain.
Doing this so I can loop back around to Como on this part of the layout. And also connect into Buena Vista.

Find out what you can do with a PICAXE? And more roadbed.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
New video.
Got the mianline loop back to Como up and running.
So mow I can once again run a continues loop if I want to.
Once I get the mainline around St. Elmo and Kenosha pass done, I will have two separate continues loops.
Also other point to point options.

Finally! The HOn3 Mainline Loop is operational
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
New Video.
Some turnout work going into the King City Coal mine.

Learn a cool hack for a Reverse Loop using a PSX-AR.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Big news! To me anyways.
But first. Here is my latest video.
I finished work on the second turnout going to the King City Coal Mine.

Don’t get frustrated. Model railroading is fun!

The news..
I was asked to be on Big Bill's show. Its a live stream on YouTube.

Catch us LIVE on May 29th 2019
6:00 pm pst
9:00 pm pst

Who is Big Bill Talking to?
At the “Model Railroading Live” YouTube Channel.

I am a little nervous.
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Fritz 52
In reply to this post by Don Gustavson II
One word- SUSCRIBED!
Fred Cotterell
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Thanks Fred!
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
So my live stream with Big Bill did not happen due to technical issues. (Glad we did a successful test before hand)

Going to reschedule.

So in this new video. I start a project at the King City coal mine.
Need to get some scenery work going.
Making what I am calling Park Gulch.

A New Project! Shifting to scenery work. Exciting!

HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.
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Re: My Layout on YouTube. (The Nearly Historical Railroad)

Don Gustavson II
Part 2 of my Park Gulch Project.
Plus I hit 100 Subscribers.
Thanks for your support.
Guess I will keep making videos.

Surprising material to make a cliff face out of. And 100 Subs!
HOn3 is the path I have chosen.
The Nearly Historical Railroad.