Wow, wow, wow, Rick!
Thanks so much, just about all the information one would need to rebuild the depot in 1:1 scale.
This will be so useful--exact platform dimensions (I'm going to used stained basswood instead of the printed platform).
And all the other details, especially the 1899 electric light fixtures. I'll have to figure out how to make them with 1.5 volt mini-bulbs. An interior is now essential. I'm especially relieved to find that I only have to apply 2,164 shingles to the depot roof.
Now I also have the dimensions and construction of the ash pit, and a wealth of detail about the section house and old depot. Even the depot privy dimensions are noted. It's going to take days to read and absorb all this information.
The icing on the cake is the C&S train bulletin sign--anyone here, who wishes to build any C&S depot, could use that detail.
If this project falls through and the model is never built (thermonuclear war could always interrupt construction), this thread is accumulating a wealth of information about the little depot for future reference, for any who might visit here, as long as the internet and Nabble exist. Thanks to all who are contributing . . .
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA