We are finally settled into our new home. This is the first time I will have a dedicated layout room in the house. Previously, I have used half of our garage, which gets rather warm and dusty in the Oklahoma summers. The room is 16x24 feet. I have removed all of the construction grime that was coating the floor and have it sealed. I have started benchwork construction, but of course the Ikea Ivar shelves that I am using under the benchwork are hard to find during the pandemic, so I am progressing along as I can find them available. Some areas of the track plan are a little out of correct order, but I tried to fit in everything I really wanted, despite the incorrect order of some areas. The layout will be set in the late 1920's, but will see a lot of DSP&P rolling stock ran as well. I had the room designed for my model railroad, so I am hoping my planning works out reasonably well! Here are a couple of photos to start off with.
Hello Joe,
look forward to watching your progress, looks like a good plan plenty of operation as well as train watching.
Como ,Thats a nice photo, is this the start of winter, over here things are starting to warm up. Paul R.