Golden Depot photos

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Re: Golden Depot photos

Chris Walker
Jeff Ramsey wrote
I regret to say you are confusing the Golden with Denver but that's not the first time this has happened    .
Naysayers everywhere I tell you, of course the Golden Depot was moved....
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot photos

South Park
  If I showed you the minutest details of sash mouldings with ambiguous
markings of scratch and paint, it would prove beyond question:

1.  the existence of God
2.  the existence of space aliens
3.  the Golden depot was originally built somewhere outside our galaxy,  
     moved to Denver, moved again to Como, and moved yet again to
     Golden, using simple helium balloons.

"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Golden Depot photos

Fritz 52
Remind me how the mouldings could have used from the Como depot via the move of the D&RG Depot. Maybe some were left behind in Denver. Lol
Fred Cotterell
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Re: Golden Depot photos

Chris Walker
Thanks for the reminder, I had meant to post the following back on April 1st but I ran my replica Mancha for the first time on the 31st and promptly forgot.

No takers huh  .....
Chris Walker wrote
Jeff Ramsey wrote
I regret to say you are confusing the Golden with Denver but that's not the first time this has happened    .
Naysayers everywhere I tell you, of course the Golden Depot was moved....
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Chris Walker
Original Colorado Central Depot at Golden...

Rebuilt, enlarged or new Depot at my eye appears to have all the size, shape characteristics of the "last" Golden Depot with maybe some windows added, moved and remodelled in 1896 perhaps?  Note Brick warehouse has also gone.
DPL X-9989

From the otherside under the auspices of the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf.
DPL X-10071

DPL X-9822

Moved Westwards, spruced up with a new paint scheme ... Or torn down and another facsimile built here at this location?  Your call, I have only this to offer.
DPL X-9813

Golden History Museum Photo.
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Fritz 52
Thanks for those photos....that depot looks big. I am wondering though, did they tear it down to only replace it with the frame depot?
Fred Cotterell
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Fritz 52
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

John Droste
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
Okay Chris,
I took time to read through the posts.

You don't think that the freight house was actually extended to have a passenger station too?
Looks that way to me with the chimney arrangement and the obvious "break-line" in the roof. And yes, I know it is not apparent in the earlier photo, but once again, look at the formation of the windows and doors to seperate the two stone buildings end to end.

To be more clear, look at the extension of the roof beyond the end windows of the stone building section with the windows and chimneys, Children.
 There are no freight house doors in that far half of the building.

 Or have I got that all wrong too?

Fascinating behaviour!
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Chris Walker
Actually I have relied on long ago acquired information for too long, messed up my stance on this.  

John pointed out wisely that the Golden Freighthouse appeared to be a combination Depot/Freighthouse.  I haven't been able to reread anything this past few days and get a reply to this.  I am also dismayed that no-one else has corrected me on this error prior to this post.

I was always under the impression the small wooden framed building was indeed the first 1872 Depot, however looking at the trackage maps in Colorado Central Rail Road I see that this building is labeled as being a Baggage Room.  
This mis-identification on my part was due a question I posed to the agent/supervisor in the Golden Freighthouse back on my 1982 trip, his reply was that the building had always been a Freighthouse/Office and the Depot was located further away on Ford St. and in part to mistaking another Depot building of a similar appearance in another photograph: My apologies.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Golden 1886

However the Baggageroom building did indeed get replaced and possibly was moved at a later time maybe to become the last C&S Golden Depot.  That hasn't changed.
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Chris Walker
In reply to this post by Fritz 52

the Brick Freighthouse structure was still standing in 1982 under Burlington Northern ownership.  I forget the date when it was torn down after that.
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot Was Moved.

Fritz 52
Thanks Chris. There is so much here to digest.
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Original Golden Depot

Chris Walker
This post was updated on .
Here is some "more" to digest.  :)  I made an error in a building identification which led me further; I pursued this a little more....

The Golden Depot half of the combination Freighthouse and Depot of 1872.  This is a later shot, supposedly dated 1900.  Odd that the 3rd Depot at Washington St. had been built before then but the TO Board still remained at the original location.  The intermediate Depot at Ford St. was demolished in a runaway on the SG line from Boulder in January 1883 and subsequently burned down 13th August 1889.

The Colorado Transcript of January 6th 1896(pg64CCR.R.Abbott/McCoy) in reference to the new UPD&G Washington St. Depot stated "Work was started on it last Friday and would have been completed the same day had it not been for the wind".

Which leads me to speculate, since this very building resembles the 2nd Baggage Room at the old Depot Street location, and the Reporter only mentions one day, would that reporter have known if the building had been moved and renovated or put up as new?  Interesting to say the least.

CRRA#10 mentions on pg97   August of 1894 the Old Depot was spruced up as a private office for the Agent.

Photo from the Golden History Museum.
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot photos

Rick Steele
In reply to this post by Chris Walker

There are no built dates on the valuation.

BUT! The review of the buildings show that the ages of Building #2, Building #3 (depot) and Building #4 (also listed as Depot) to be 15 years old as of June 30, 1918, which would indicate that they were built in 1903.

That being said, it also shows the Roundhouse as being 30 years old and the Roundhouse Office as being 30 years old. However, photos show that Roundhouse office was built prior to the Roundhouse of the valuation. The Roundhouse office was part of the older roundhouse that was torn down in the 1890's by the UP.

So this is not always a reliable indicator, but it is the information that I have found on the Valuation.

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Re: Golden Depot photos

Valuations and other tax records are certainly not a historical record, I have found too many inconsistencies.

I assume when they were doing for example the ICC reports they did not do historical research and if somebody said a date or they had something that said a date they used it. After all whether it was 30 years old or a year or so either side did not really matter.

I certainly have found County records suspect, sometimes significantly so. The Brick Hotel in Como is Wood Framed according to Park County, queried it and was told they did not have a Brick category and too few Brick buildings to worry about it.

Google Maps has some interesting mistakes and despite many attempts to correct I have yet to succeed.

30 ish years ago there was a document produced as part of an attempt never completed to list Como as a Historic District. Some of the information, I know some of it was wrong and could also see internal inconsistencies. As far as I can tell most of the date come from County records, hence suspect. The most intriguing entry was the Railroad Water Cistern on 5th Street, I have yet to find a photo and whilst most other entries did have a photo, this one did not.

Too much I took for gospel and seemed to be common wisdom and I have found later is wrong.
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Re: Golden Depot photos

Fritz 52
In reply to this post by Rick Steele
Chris and Rick:
Thanks for keeing this post alive.
You guys never cease to amaze me with new information and ideas

Just an oddball obeservation and question. Both the Golden and Blackhawk depots share some architectural similarities. Were they both built during the early.days on Clear Creek and the CC.Is it just me thinking like this?
What I mean is that looking at window styles and basic masonry details there's lots to consider.
Again thanks y'all.
Fred Cotterell.
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Re: Golden Depot photos

John Droste
Excuse my ignorance Fred. Is it Silverton above the Loop bridge? In Mac Poor`s book, it is discussed that the depot building at the 'destination point' above the loop was being prepared in Denver while the grades above the Loop were still also being prepared. This told me that buildings were prefabricated. How much? Who knows, but I have had this idea in mind that the Dispatchers building in Como was one such building. Although I have nothing to support that.

 All in all it does make sense to work that way. Why construct a building at the "front" when all resources at that point are finite when it would be much easier to prepare first in workshops and final assemble later?
 So there would be common plans, therefore.
 And we know this was done with smaller buildings, like the miners huts in King transferred to the "King" area in Como. Loggers work that way all the time, buildings on skids.
 Railroads are for moving things.
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Golden Depot Image

Keith Hayes
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
This image appeared recently on the C&S Facebook page and recalling this line of discussion I was granted permission to post it here:

I think you will agree this is about as clear a photo of the 'second' depot as one will find. The roof gingerbread is very similar to the Grant casting, and the window and door trim remind me of Kokomo.

Perhaps this building grew into Kokomo and was moved there later?
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: Golden Depot Image

Chris Walker
Oh that is Sweet.  Almost like a Ladies Waitingroom.

Thanks for posting....
in New Zealand
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Re: Golden Depot Image

John Droste
Your kind of haunt?
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Re: Golden Depot Image

John Droste
This is a far more accurate account of the Como Depots history. And importantly also, the Pacific Hotel.
Read from my first post uptown my more recent posts will be less confusing for you. And others.

It is a learning process for me too, not getting any help. I have recently realised that part of the D&RG freight depot and not just the station on the corner of Wynkoop & 19th were eventually moved to Como, after being moved across the road along Wynkoop St.

Prove me wrong! Nobody can prove me wrong! Go your hardest. There are a lot of D&RG people out there. They can not do it.

I would update my page but am just to busy. And I have lost interest. Because of people like you.

Let me know if that link is not working.
