Freelance railroad musings

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Freelance railroad musings

Mike McKenzie
Hey guys,

I model a freelance railroad (Sn3) whose southern terminus is Dillon where it interchanges with the C&S and D&RGW and runs north up the Black River (parallels the Blue). Of course this requires I bend space and time to varying degrees, but in certain things I'd like to be somewhat plausible in my world-building. Timeframe is late 30s early 40s (bending time already).

It's a given that Rule #1 applies here. That being said I'd like your input on likely C&S power to service a slightly higher trafficked Dillon in this alternate reality. The freelance road will have it's own power, connies (have a C-21 and parts for another) and maybe moguls, and I doubt any Ks would be used on the D&RGW connection, probably up Ten Mile, but you never know.

So, any likely candidates for C&S power in this scenario?

Mike McKenzie
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Jeff Young
Hi Mike,

In the real world the D&RGW’s Tenmile track couldn’t have handled the Ks.  It would have been Cs only (like the Baldwin branch and Cerro Summit).

With a bit more traffic I’d imagine the C&S would be running what they did between Leadville and Climax in the end: the B4F class and 537.

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Re: Freelance railroad musings

John Greenly
In reply to this post by Mike McKenzie

how about a B4E,  all three made it to 1940, and their looks remind us of earlier C&S times.  One of them would look very nice on a double-header with one of your heavier engines.  Or even B4D  #69, for that matter, would fit the same role.  If you're not modeling past 1943 then the Army hasn't taken away 69 or 70 yet.  

John Greenly
Lansing, NY
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

In reply to this post by Mike McKenzie
You could look at what the C&S had in mind in an ideal world  if they had been able to afford to replace their equipment with more modern practical locomotives.
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Rick Steele
According to Hol Wagner's Colorado Road  Book, The C&S was looking at 2-6-6-2's. If you are modeling around the end of the 3' gauge, Keep in mind that the Blue River Branch of the D&RG was basically given to the C&S at the Time of the Reorganization of the D&RG into the D&RGW. The only thru line from Dillon was C&S to Leadville, but of course, in your alternate reality, the Alpine Tunnel might still be open and the C&S and D&RGW could be competing for the Ten Mile Canyon business.

Are you aware that there is a UP survey map that exists at the Colorado Historical Society of a survey from Dillon to Kremling, where the surveyed line was supposed to meet a UP line that was surveyed South from Green River, Wyoming? According to what I have been told by a very trustworthy UP Historian, this was part of the UP's grand plan to build a Standard Gauge line to Leadville.

There was also a survey made of a coal line from Granger, Wyoming to Craig, Colorado and the mines at Energy as well...

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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Jeff Young
And there’s also the route up Snake River to a tunnel under Argentine Pass that was to join the Clear Creek and Park lines.  (Don’t know if it was ever surveyed or not, but the tunnel was started on the Clear Creek side.)
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Mike McKenzie
Was not aware of the UP survey up to Kremmling. My intention is to wedge a whole fictitious river valley into the existing geography, the "Black River Valley" probably east of the Blue, maybe over Ptarmigan Pass. History, and geology, will have to change a little (or a lot). The "Black River RR" will have it's own power and rolling stock but the line will see C&S and D&RGW traffic.

I should probably revisit some of the great threads covering Dillon to determine appropriate C&S power. D&RGW power would probably be limited to C class engines, maybe resurrect a scrapped engine from the "real" timeline. I think there could be some fun possibilities for Dillon.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions,
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Robert McFarland
In reply to this post by Rick Steele
There was mention of grade near Kremmling in DSP&P Memorial- I believe the chapter was called Choosing the Leadville Entry.
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Robert McFarland
In reply to this post by Jeff Young
Are you talking about the tunnel Pomeroy tried to build?There is a non survey  map somewhere in the DPL showing  a line  that included Pomeroy's tunnel Kremmling andquite a bit of line to the west and north.
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Robert McFarland
There was a  freelance C&S  model railroad that appeared in RMC in the 1980s or 1990s
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Re: Freelance railroad musings

Jeff Young
Yes, Pomeroy. (Although I think there was also another effort in the area?)