what happendd to the loco roster?

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what happendd to the loco roster?

Fritz 52
Hi everyone.

I just tried to download the locomotive roster from the blog. I got a message that reaed that the file doesn't exist Hasitbeen removed? I would love to add it to my downloads.On myold lhone I had it and ysed it to refernce the vatious locos the RR had.

Fred Cotterell

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Re: what happendd to the loco roster?

Chris Walker
A number of the Files that Rick Steele posted via GoogleOneDrive to the Blog have shuffled off as well.  

Perhaps its a $ thing, the owner needs to pay rent on, I dunno? Ransonware I think is the term applied to this sort of thing.
in New Zealand
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Re: what happendd to the loco roster?

Darel Leedy
Rick recently took down his Google drive and has since graciously mailed them to me. I will work diligently next week to host them on my own Google drive and modify the links to reflect the change. I will update here when this is complete.
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Re: what happendd to the loco roster?

South Park
  And here, I was going to blame Daryl Hannah .....    

"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: what happendd to the loco roster?

Fritz 52
In reply to this post by Darel Leedy
Hi Daryl.

Thanks for the update. I hope that you're able to re-add those files.
Fred Cotterell.
C&S Ohio Creek Subdivision.

Carpe Diem.
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Re: what happened to the loco roster?

Rick Steele
In reply to this post by Fritz 52

No I did not disappear into the ether, it came to pass that I had way too much spam and threats on my old email address, by threats, empty ones from West Africa and the like. I got tired of it and the constant need to delete these files, So I "Ghosted" the old gmail account and started a new one.

I completely forgot that there was ANYTHING on that Google 1 Drive. Sorry guys

I attached the operating charts (which includes the C&S locomotive roster) so that you guys can have the .pdf file of it.

I sent the files to Daryl so that he could reload them here, which is way more appropriate then where they were.

I may repost on the LaBelle website when I get some time.

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Re: what happened to the loco roster?

Fritz 52
Hi Rick.

Thank you for allowing us access to that PDF. I'downloaded Tim going to tryto get the fellow that made me so 'narrow minded' to join us. His name is Bob Edwaelrds. He lent me his binders of The Gazette (NS&SLG) years ago. It's all his fault. Lol.
By the way mycataract surge was a resounding success! My right eye tested at 20/20 at the Doctor's office on one of those machines they use at the DMV. lol. Again thanks Rick.
Fred Cotterell
C&S Ohio creek Subdivision.