Might as well look at some more McClure photos of Platte Canon resorts:
Insmont, MP 53.2, between Eastabrook and Baileys, had a six car spur:
http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/fullbrowser/collection/p15330coll22/id/78122/rv/singleitem/rec/85This resort had a "cyclodrome", built by the Denver Wheel Club, and sponsored weekend bicycle races, to lure Denver cycling enthusiasts to the lodge.
Chase, MP 63.5, just past Kline (later known as Weller):
http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/fullbrowser/collection/p15330coll22/id/78104/rv/singleitemCassall's, above Kline and Chase, at MP 64.4:
http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/fullbrowser/collection/p15330coll22/id/78117/rv/singleitem/rec/140The C&S tracks are just in front of the hotel, obscured by the distant bushes. There was a small wait station just below the hotel steps. The enlarged hotel pictured here was built in 1906 and by 1910 had an electric plant for lighting. Today, this area is known as Santa Maria, a Catholic Charities retreat. The large Christ statue on the mountainside to the North well marks the spot, as you drive west on US 285 toward Grant.
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA