Help finding a photo on DPL

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Help finding a photo on DPL

Kurt Maechner
Hi, everyone. I was wondering if someone with more skill could help me. I have a digital photo of C&S 60's move to Idaho Springs and I know it's from the Denver Public Library's collection, but I can't find it on their website. I am working with a publisher on a book I'm writing and I would like to use the photo, but I need to get the right permissions. Would anyone have more success tracking down the photo below? I've tried various search phrases but can't seem to find it.

Thank you to anyone willing to give me hand!
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Chris Walker
That's a David S. Digerness image, in addition to being used in his The Mineral Belt V-III, it was used in a Blog on western railroad history in digital format about 10+ years ago but what makes you think it is in the DPL collection?

in New Zealand
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Kurt Maechner
I came across it on the C&S Railway Society's Facebook page and they noted that it was from DPL.
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Chris Walker
Kurt Maechner wrote
I came across it on the C&S Railway Society's Facebook page and they noted that it was from DPL.
Best go back there then and get the scoop. I'm sure they will have the call number and annotation for you.
in New Zealand
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Kurt Maechner
Good advice. I did it just now. The post with the photo was from 2015, but hopefully someone will know.
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Mike Trent
Just do what the Society did, and credit it to DPL. It's been in the public domain long enough anyway.
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

In reply to this post by Kurt Maechner
Image search on shows DPL, but "page not found"

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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Chris Walker

That's the Blog I read about ten+ years ago: the photo was attributed to Digerness, and I've never seen his photos anywhere other than in the Mineral Belt series.  It is certainly not in the DPL, unless it is in the unpublished materials: just search his name and no images come up.  

 Maybe you'll be able to track down just where his collection went to. Not even his Grandfather's collection in the DPL has been digitized yet.
in New Zealand
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Kurt Maechner
I checked with the C&S Ry Society and they didn't know the DPL number either. I wonder if it was assumed to be from the DPL when it was really from Digerness as some of you are suggesting.
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Chris Walker
Chris Walker wrote
That's a David S. Digerness image, in addition to being used in his The Mineral Belt V-III, it was used in a Blog on western railroad history in digital format about 10+ years ago but what makes you think it is in the DPL collection?
Kurt Maechner wrote
I wonder if it was assumed to be from the DPL when it was really from Digerness as some of you are suggesting.
I wasn't suggesting anything: I was actually stating a known fact from David S. Digerness' book The Mineral Belt V-III.
My usual search patterns pulled up multiple hits related to that Image used in your Blog, and nowt in the DPL. Searching David S. Digerness in the DPL pulls up no photos attributed to him, only references to his books.  
However if you search my name+user in the DPL, then you'll get a number of results...  ...but none are photos of mine.

in New Zealand
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Re: Help finding a photo on DPL

Mike Trent
In reply to this post by Kurt Maechner
Just attribute this photo to David S. Digerness. You'll be fine, and it is correct.  You've done your due diligence. A David Digerness died in Denver at 73 in 2009, probably his son. There was absolutely nothing listed about any family.

You might contact Sundance Publications about his situation. He probably died years ago.