Funny, encouraging, or sad?

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Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Kurt Maechner
Funny, encouraging, or sad.  I'm not sure which.

from a review on related to No. 71 and the Grand Z Casino and Hotel
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

South Park
  I have resigned myself to the fact that few people younger than this dinosaur
give the slightest rip about deep historical study/knowledge.  I have come to find
humor in the total ignorance of the masses and play it up any chance I get.

  Last night I drove my truck to our weekly Model T shop night:

  On the way, a 30-ish woman of burgeoning proportions was pacing me in a 20-year-
old Cadillac sedan, holding a phone toward her open window, taking photos.  She had
an angry scowl on her face, and after putting the phone down on the seat, began yelling
at me, with lots of arm gesticulation to go with the facemaking.  You cannot hear anything
but the truck when riding in it, so I could not hear a thing shen said.  Open reaching a red
light a mile or so on, she came up beside me and I could now hear her ranting about brake
lights and being unsafe on the road.  Since I had not touched my brakes in the entire time
she had been alongside me, I knew she was one of "those people", so when she got on the
brake lights part of the rant, I told her that vehicles this old didn't have brakes, hence no brake
lights. This really set her off, and when the subject came to vehicles like this being locked up
in museums, I thought I'd take the silliness to the next level and test the depth of her historical
knowledge.  She asked me if I was the original owner, and I said, "No, but I am the second
owner, and that this truck was originally owned by Abraham Lincoln".  She again went off
on my truck being a clear and present danger to all of humanity and never batted an eye
about the obvious gap in historical possibility.  I imagine those who encountered her over
the next day got an earful about the stupid man she encountered, driving Abraham Lincoln's
truck with no brakes or brake lights .....    

"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Robert McFarland
Wouldn't Floyd Clymer have made aftermarket brake lights?
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Bill Uffelman
You can see a light housing below the bed.

Bill Uffelman

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 9:43 AM, Robert McFarland [via C&Sng Discussion Forum]
Wouldn't Floyd Clymer have made aftermarket brake lights?

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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Kurt Maechner
In reply to this post by Kurt Maechner
Keeping with the theme of people not knowing details, I always get a kick out of railroad history stuff for kids.  Here's a section from a 1992 "Kids Discover Trains" magazine using a picture from the Georgetown Loop to represent the Durango and Silverton:

Durango and Silverton: nope
Durango: nope
narrow-gauge: yep
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A last minute trip to Denver!

Fred H.
Get into DEN about 6:30 on Tuesday. Going to stay in the Ameristar Hotel and poke around Black Hawk. Of course I plan to take photos, a few measurements, and perhaps some dirt samples. We’ll see how much trouble I can get into in just a few hours. Of course I’ll ask permission (ha ha) but planning to super scope out the street from Bull Durham down past where the depot stood is where I’m modeling. Going to get some sense of the grades and maybe some photos from the rear to use as a photo backdrop. Free dinner and beer to any local yokels who want to get into some after dark escapades on Tuesday and early morning breakfast for Wednesday co-conspirators!
Fred H. Hutchison
Black Hawk in 1:24
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

South Park
In reply to this post by Kurt Maechner
  You do realize that altering Abe Lincoln's personal truck would represent
historical sacrilege, right ?

  My guess is the angry 30-something gal with the self-discipline to be 300+
lbs. has invested a similar amount of effort into understanding that Ol' Abe
missed the automotive age by 35-40 years.  In other words, the main reason
the Union Army defeated the Confederate forces was air superiority.  Duh !  
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: A last minute trip to Denver!

Chris Walker
In reply to this post by Fred H.

from the Bull Durham on down.... the whole place has been trenched back into both sides of the canyon and next to nothing survives from the C&S days.  What is there now is an assault on the eyeballs.   You'd be better off spending time looking at all the DPL and published book photos.

in New Zealand
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Robert McFarland
In reply to this post by South Park
Who was the first American to get shot down in combat?
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Kurt Maechner
Abraham a flying truck, I think.
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Robert McFarland
Sgt.Ivy Baldwin,U.S.Signal Corps. -during the Spanish AmericanWar .Baldwin was using his balloon to scout for sniper locations prior to the battle of San Juan Hill
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

South Park
 Not a lot of guys named "Ivy" these days.
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Robert McFarland
William Ivy ran away to join the circus we he was just a kid.The act he joined was the Baldwin Brothers and he changed his last name to Baldwin.He became an expert at  high wire walking parachute jumping and handing a hot air balloon.Prior to the Spanish American War he joined the Signal Corps and played a large part in restarting its balloon outfit .He was involved in balloon flights at Elich's Gardens and did high wire walking over ElDorado Canyon. He also built his own airplane
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Re: Funny, encouraging, or sad?

Lee Gustafson
In reply to this post by South Park
Ignorance is bliss and no one deserves to be that happy.

Lee Gustafson