Pretty hard to beat the I-70 access and the actual loop itself for solid
business-draw assets. Having Georgetown and Idaho Springs so close
is just a bonus for pulling in the touristas.
Central City in on the way to nowhere, lacks any spectacular trackage
potential, and would thusly require some alternate drawing point to pull in
paying ridership. As anyone with business sense knows, and particularly those
who know THIS business, starry-eyed railfans make up a micro-percentage
of actual ridership, so counting on large crowds going out of their way to
spend real cash dollars because the choo-choo is genuine South Park stuff
is going to result in failure.
Which leads to, what other drawing points might an operator out of Central
City have to make such an operation a "must do" for the average minivan full
of cul-de-sac dwellers from the flatlands ? Stuff like all the facilities still extant
at Como, as an example. And this leads to the inevitable next point, why not
just invest in an operation with better potential, LIKE Como ?
It seems to me, the Central City idea has serious business flaws. Might they
be overcome ? Such solutions seem above my pay grade. But then again, I am
just a dumb hammer-swinger and business owner, 1500 miles away. Maybe
someone with actual eyes on the prize can see something I can't ?
"Duty above all else except Honor"