Anyone work on the 1987-1989 Black Hawk and Central City railroad?

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Anyone work on the 1987-1989 Black Hawk and Central City railroad?

Kurt Maechner
I'm doing a little research and writing about the second tourist line out of Central City that ran with C&S 71 from 1987-1989. Is there anyone on the forum here that worked on that line? I was hoping to learn about the line from someone who was there. Feel free to respond here or to personal message me.

Thanks for your help,
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Re: Anyone work on the 1987-1989 Black Hawk and Central City railroad?

I believe there are a couple that worked on it that are on the C&S Facebook group if I remember right. (Although some may be both here and there) I am the moderator over there so if you send a request to join I can get you added if you are on Facebook.
Jim Curran
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Re: Anyone work on the 1987-1989 Black Hawk and Central City railroad?

Kurt Maechner
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the idea.  I put a request in just now.  
Thanks a lot!