A first visit to the C&S' Platte Canon route

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A first visit to the C&S' Platte Canon route

Kurt Maechner
Roughly a month ago, my daughter and I had the privilege to sneak out to Colorado and do some abandoned right-of-way hunting along a portion of the Colorado & Southern narrow gauge's Platte Canon route starting in Bailey.  From there we travelled through Glen Isle, Grousemont, Maddox, Cassells, Grant, Webster, Hoosier, Kenosha Pass, Jefferson, and Como.  I had a brief window so could only do what we could with a morning/afternoon, but it was fun to see many C&S sites that I had not formerly seen.  

I put together a narrative along with photos of our explorations.   Here is part 1 in this blog post.

I would love to hear from any others who have explored this area to hear what you have seen.
