Yes, I was referring to the telegraph insulator you provided the zoom on.
Back before Don and his whiner friends booted me from the NGDF, I raised
the question repeatedly about why there are sidepins mounted inside the tunnel
and photos of the same and with insulators, yet the consistent feedback was that
the telegraph never was routed through the tunnel. No one could explain the
presence of the telegraph pins and insulators.
Photos clearly show the line going over the mountain in the early days, but
let's remember, the company had the telegraph operational into Gunnison a year
before the tunnel was bored through, so obviously it was built up and over the
top to do this, but what about the horrendous winter conditions and maintenance
difficulties causing the RR to reroute through the tunnel ? Were I in charge of
keeping that telegraph operational, I would put the wire through the tunnel to
shelter it and keep it at arm's length for maintenance. I mean, who would want
to pack up and over that mountain to make sure the wire was clear during an
Alpine Pass winter !!!
"Duty above all else except Honor"