Inspired by the beautiful modeling I'm seeing, I'm tackling the 1880 Colorado Central UP-built boxcars in HOn3, specifically the five I can tie to the Boulder branch (1608, 1620, 1650, 1704 and conductor/caboose/head end car 026552), and maybe three others that I can't tie to the branch but that show the lettering variations across the breed (1566, 1626 and 1660).
Comparing existing plans, Rudnick's guides and various photos I've made preliminary design sketches and have cut basic styrene shapes for a first proof of concept car. It has been years since I've worked in HOn3; this model will hopefully flush out issues and mistakes...and verify compromises.
Next up, some test scoring of the siding to see if I can at all replicate the beaded boards in this scale (using a technique I saw Jim Courtney use on his Sn3 boxcar build) and also making some jigs for construction and drilling. I'm trying to grab 30 minutes daily to work on this project to keep it moving along. We'll see how much summer conspires to derail that.
Dave Eggleston
Seattle, WA