Standard Gauge C&S boxcars

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Standard Gauge C&S boxcars

I have access to two C&S, 6 trust rods cars.  The owner is looking to donate them. The cars are complete, with trucks and brake rigging.
The CRRM is not interested,  any one have thought on who else might be interested? I also have talked to Bob Shoppe, and never heard back.

Doug Junda
Doug Junda
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Re: Standard Gauge C&S boxcars

Jim Courtney
Seems like Leadville would be a good destination. They would feel right at home there!
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Standard Gauge C&S boxcars

Kurt Maechner
In reply to this post by djunda
Is the Forney Transportation Museum still around?  They were in Denver a long time ago and had lots of standard gauge equipment including a Big Boy.  Maybe they would be worth contacting.
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Re: Standard Gauge C&S boxcars

Kurt Maechner
Just found the Forney website here.
They are still in Denver.