What side info is around on the Platte River location, close to MP 113 . A number of years ago I walked into the area and it was most interesting. The site of the wye raised the big question on operations. As this was the low spot from Como and London Junction before the climb to the top of Trout Creek Pass, what took place? What about pieces of "coke" in salt flats at the wye, Remember the nearby "Salt Works". Como coke? Remember there was heavy early tonnage of ore from London Junction, limestone from the Fairplay area and King coal going that direction. And of course like Trout Creek vs the Midland cross over did someone with a camera get to Platte River in the early days? Ideas?
Tom Klinger
One thing about visiting the site of the water tank is the foundation for that structure. One can see the uprights were not timber but rather of iron. Wish I took a camera. There is also a few stones and wood fragments of the section house.