Mogul tender tool boxes, coal board extensions and any other helpful tender ideas.

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Mogul tender tool boxes, coal board extensions and any other helpful tender ideas.

Fritz 52
Hello. It's been awhile since I posted much of anything due to the loss of my wife.
Currently, I am rebuilding a Bachmann Mogul that was damaged when it was moved to our mobile home. I want to rebuild the tender because everything I had done to it was p etty much knocked off.
What I'm looking for are some sort of drawings for the coal boards, the upright tool boxes and anything else you fellas might think of that could help. I have a second one stored at my buddies in Missouri plus one he has that I'm considering bashing into #9.
Anything you can help me with is helpful.
Fred Cotterell
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Re: Mogul tender tool boxes, coal board extensions and any other helpful tender ideas.

Mike Trent

Again, so sorry to hear of your wife's passing.

I can send you measurements of the tool box parts from my old United PFM 2-6-0 which is being transformed into #22 and/or the tool box parts I made for #7. There aren't any commercial parts for them, but if you cut styrene sheet material for the sides, ends and tops, you can easily use styrene cement to put them together, and they will look fine. Your Bachman Mogul is patterned after Brooks #21/22, and can be made to be quite presentable as such. #9 is a rebuilt Cooke engine, which has unusual round domes. That can be done, but it will be more work. It really depends on how close you want to get in it's appearance.

Feel free to either reply here, or contact me directly. If you reply here, someone else may have helpful ideas as well. It can be done with a minimum of parts.

Are you keeping it On30 or converting to On3?

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Re: Mogul tender tool boxes, coal board extensions and any other helpful tender ideas.

Fritz 52
Thanks Mike, email sent.
Fred Cotterell.
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Re: Mogul tender tool boxes, coal board extensions and any other helpful tender ideas.

Fritz 52
In reply to this post by Mike Trent
Mike: go ahead and send them. The locos will be staying On30. I'm not in a position to convert them over at this time. On3 ould be nice, but the cost would be a bit out of reach.
Fred Cotterell