Maddox Station

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Maddox Station

MD Ramsey
My latest historical acquisition, from my late friend, Kenneth Barrow. Ken and Ron Ruhoff salvaged the sign from an old building in the area. Even though it was complete, the lettering was all but gone, but the grain was slightly raised due to years of erosion around the once painted lettering. Ron carefully painted in the missing letters.  From my understanding, the approximate location of the depot was across US 285 from what is now Platte Canyon High School. The ice ponds are still visible, but I was never sure regarding their relationship to the grade or depot location.

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Re: Maddox Station

South Park
  That is MY kind of fun stuff !  I have a similar sign, painted county road sign
from the 30's (?) that is in the shape of an arrow, pointing the way to "Rosalia"
(a small town about 20 miles south of me), with the number "10", indicating is
was ten miles in the direction the arrow pointed.  It is weathered pretty deeply,
but the extra layer of paint that were the letters caused the background to weather
more deeply, leaving raised letters.  Not sure I am brave enough to try and put
paint to it again to try and "restore" it.  Nice find !  
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Maddox Station

Kurt Maechner
Awesome work!