Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

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Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

Robert McFarland
In answer to a question by Andre Ming there has been quite a discussion going on in the DSP-P Yahoo Group about helper operations.I figured that Derrell,Darel,and other members of this group would be interested in sharing their knowledge about how those operations were handled.
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Re: Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

Mike Trent
I'd be happy to participate, but I quit Yahoo groups ages ago.

So many discussion groups, so little time. If anyone has questions regarding helper operations on the West End after 1927, I'll be glad to help any way I can.

Ask them to post a question here. This is a pretty knowledgable group.

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Re: Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

Robert McFarland
I'm talking about members of THIS GROUP starting a discussion of helper operations on THIS GROUP.
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Re: Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

Robert McFarland
Derrell had a good article in the April 2006 issue of Bogies & Loop discussing his plans for his old Trout Creek layout and how helper operations would fit into it.
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Re: Helpers on the DSP&P/C&S

Mike Trent
In reply to this post by Robert McFarland
OK. I guess I missed that.

I'll post something today starting a new thread.