In 1992 my parents took me and my brother to the east portal of Alpine Tunnel for the first time.
This video shows the footage from that trip.
We lugged our Panasonic VHS-C camcorder up to the tunnel entrance and I took some video of the tip of the portal's redwood frame. One could still see into the top a short bit, though most was filled with rockfall. Sadly, this is now forever lost from view as the remains of the face of east portal collapsed some time later.
The second portion of the video shows the rail facilities outside of the west portal as seen from the top of Altman/Alpine Pass. This is before restoration work laid track at various spots once again. It is also before the removal of the snowshed timbers leading to the west portal and before restoration work to the turntable walkway.
The final portion of the video shows us driving our rental car over the former South Park railroad bridge at Romley several miles below the townsite of Hancock, east of the tunnel. At a later date the road was diverted around the bridge, as it is today, so you can no longer drive over it.
-that's yours truly as a youngin