Dual Gauge to Golden

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Dual Gauge to Golden

Rich Townsend
I'm working on a history of the C&S between Denver and Cheyenne, and I intend to include the Clear Creek line as far as the end of the three rail in Golden. I know that's not a part of the line to Cheyenne, but, hey, it's my book. To that end I am looking for photos, other than those at the DPL, that I can use in the book showing trains and facilities on the dual gauge. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Dual Gauge to Golden

Rick Steele
Well Robert, actually it was the line to Cheyenne...

When the main line swung north to go to Boulder on its original alignment.

The CRRM has a set of early CC maps.

Even Golden is lacking in particulars but they do have the Township/Range/Section numbers so that you can follow it if you have a sharp pencil.
