Dickey Bunk House

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Dickey Bunk House

Mike Trent
An Adventure in Cereal Box Structures.....

In April I was visiting Joe Crea and asked him if it might be possible to create the Dickey Bunk House using the only known photograph of the structure and the footprint dimensions from C&S records. He said he was sure he could and had the basic artwork printed for me in a day or two. A large box of Frosted Mini Wheats, a can of 3M 77 spray adhesive, some Elmer's glue and several Xacto blades later and here we are.....

The original image:

Similar view of the new building:

In place on the North side of the depot, due to compression on the layout:

I added some Bragdon chalk, and some 2X4 strips on the roof for the rolled roofing, but everything else including the chimney is just as Joe printed it. For a guy with vision issues, he still does spectacular work. Refer to his article in the January/February Gazette for more information. I'm very happy with this. Even if it is hard to get a decent picture of it in this location.  
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Paul R.
Mike That looks excellent. Paul R.
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Mike Trent
Thanks, Paul. Joe is right. With a little care, these things can fit right in.
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Bill Uffelman
In reply to this post by Paul R.
Good looking buildimg and scene.

First structure that I scratch built for my American Flyer RR when I was 9 or 10 years old was from cereal box card stock and a  drawing in a library book that had an MR plan from the 1940s reprinted in it.

We are coming full circle on construction materials but have moved miles ahead on construction tools.

FWIW I will be 77 years old in July so have seen a lot of changes in model railroading.

Bill Uffelman
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Dave Eggleston
The structure looks great.

While not printed, the 4mm/OO scale structures on the massive Pendon layout in England are all card and absolutely spectacular to see in person despite some dating back to the 50s. The care and craftsmanship to create them are very effective. Card definitely has generally become an overlooked, inexpensive material. Nice to see its re-emergence.
Dave Eggleston
Seattle, WA
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Mike Trent
Thanks, guys. I think this merits thought for several reasons. It's certainly worth a shot.
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Re: Dickey Bunk House

Dave Eggleston
I'm reminded that Lance Mindheim has been using this trick--photographs cleaned up in Photoshop, printed out and applied to a substructure--in N scale for years. And the results are game changing realistic in that scale. Texture is the big issue so he adds actual gutters and doors at times to compensate.
Dave Eggleston
Seattle, WA