C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

C&S Railway Society
Jim, we are accepting memberships. Membership is $15/year. and that is to cover the cost of liability insurance for volunteers working on site. and we will add you to an Email list which will keep you posted on news of the organization.

We are accepting donations toward the restoration, and we are a 501(c)(3) organization so all donations are tax deductible
Our mailing address is PO Box 647 Westminster CO 80036
and checks can be made out to Colorado & Southern Railway Society

Our preliminary Estimate for the restoration is $20,000.  This estimate is with the goal to completely restore the Caboose to operational status, and be compliant to carry passengers on an FRA railroad such as the Durango & Silverton or The Cumbers & Toltec.

We appreciate any amount given, anything helps. We are hosting work sessions every Saturday from 8am-4pm in the Silver Plume Town shop, and anyone is welcome to come down and help or just stop by and see the Caboose.

We are in the process of applying for grants from the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club, and History Colorado.

Everyone's support is greatly appreciated.
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Chris Walker
In reply to this post by C&S Railway Society
Soot, oil lamps and worse still, tobacco smoke discolours paint as well.  I bet those Conductors smoked.
in New Zealand
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

C&S Railway Society
In reply to this post by Derrell Poole

Photos would be outstanding. The more data that is available the better. Since we began we have tried to constantly take photos of everything we did, took off, moved, etc. we found one day we went back to label the handrails which we had removed from the car body ends. They are all different, and we spent a great deal of time going through photos trying to identify for certain which one went where. As it would happen, we didn't take photos directly of the handrails. So the moral is, one can never have too many photos.

Anything anyone wants to send, our Mailing address is:
 PO Box 647 Westminster CO 80036
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Derrell Poole

I will attempt to contact Fred Hutchinson who took photos with me and also put my photos on disk for you. You may use them as you see fit. This may take some time.

I have also reopened my study of the cabooses. I don't expect anything different to come to light I'll try to keep you posted. I can't tell you how excited I am that this car is being restored by people I believe are attempting to keep it as original as possible. Thanks.

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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

C&S Railway Society

Thank you, your support and enthusiasm means a great deal to us. Also, any firsthand research materials are of great value to us. As one of our goals of present is to have the 1006 placed on the Colorado State Historic Register. Documentation which outlines the life of the caboose is an essential component of  establishing the cabooses' historic significance, and thus having it placed on the register.

Once again thank you for your enthusiasm and support.
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

In reply to this post by Chris Walker
Marker flags were green on most roads, so I would assume that paddle would be green. Easy for the head end crew to see if their train had parted.

Skip Luke
Retireded Railroader
Skip Luke
Retireded Railroader
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Chris Walker
I must have got it wrong, on the NZRailways we had Red Rear markers, Red Flags used in daylight hours if Lamps weren't available.

However I refer you to pg54-56 of the NG&SL Gazette May/June 1984 in which Rick Steele illustrated Red Rear Markers on the rear of Trains.  In the text, Rick says the 1903 C&S Rulebook and 1906&1924 D&RG Rulebook.  Now he did only illustrate lamps, not Flags.  He does illustrate Green Markers on the rear but only when the Train is the clear (in a Siding).

Were there use of Green to signify end-of-train prior to that 1903 Ruling?

In light of that, would the Paddle side facing forward be Green with Red facing to the rear?  I feel Red facing forward would be  confused for a Stop signal.
in New Zealand
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Chris,  the marker lamps were red only to the read, and showed green to front and side. The lamp would be turned to green all around if train was in the clear on a siding.   That was normal for US railways, at least until the change of signal colours on some lines in the 1900's. C&S retained red and green; D&RG changed to red and yellow, with yellow marker flags during daytime.

The paddle needed only to be green on noth sides, but I don't know what they may have done in this instance.  

Skip Luke
Retireded Railroader
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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Rick Steele
Hi Skip,

The Paddles that we used were Green on one side and Red on the other.

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Re: C&S #1006 Restoration Photos

Fred H.
This post was updated on .
Resurrecting this thread from the archives... I was in Silver Plume today, rode the GLRR, talked to conductor Benjamin, and peeked inside the stone warehouse to look at 1006. The new frame looks awesome but I was a little startled to see how little of the original framing is solid. To my untrained eye there sure seems to be a ton of work left to do. Hard to believe it’s been 9 years since Derrell and I were inside her. Hope we can find a way to help step up the restoration. Would love to see both 1006 and 1008 operating again.
Fred H. Hutchison
Black Hawk in 1:24