C&S #1000

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Re: C&S #1000

Chris Walker
This post was updated on .

You're on the right track, to me it just looks like the circular black herald without the white lettering and outer circle as on the preceding boxcar.   The locations of the grabirons help locate the circle.   I think Harry Brunk detailed this weathered herald in one of his "Up Clear Creek" Gazette articles.
in New Zealand
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Re: C&S #1000

Derrell Poole
In reply to this post by Keith Hayes
Keith; are you done yet? Is your 1000 painted. Does it have letters and numbers and sech... yet? Does it have glass? Does it make choo-choo sounds? Hmmmmm?

My car has paint and letters.
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Re: C&S #1000

Derrell Poole
In reply to this post by Keith Hayes
So Keith... you had your chance



Keep in mind it hasn't been weathered yet. I'm of the mind it's a real new paint job in late 1910....

Pich-chers are so nice. They tell you nuthin' o' the fun I've had today!
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Re: C&S #1000

Darel Leedy
I can't hear anything.
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
In reply to this post by Derrell Poole
Glad I lit a fire under you, d.

I was on the road all week and bad a couple deadlines to boot.

So...when can we expect video?

Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Jim Courtney
In reply to this post by Derrell Poole
Beautiful work, Derrell!!

I wasn't sure the big C&S monogram would fit the rebuilt window arrangement, but it does!

How did you light the markers?  I see a tiny single wire coming out of the bottom of the marker and entering the car body.  Is that a P-B-L 1.5V axial bulb with the other lead soldered to the body (marker casting)?  Or is it a tiny LED?

Again, inspiring work.
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: C&S #1000

Derrell Poole
The marker lamps are Adlake types PBL-025 (6.95pr) which appear correct but with incorrect brackets... oh well..

The bulbs are Miniatronics axials (I don't like LEDs on early equipment - too bright and too "modern" in appearance) with 235 ohms on the F0(r) lead of the decoder. Since the bulbs are in parallel the resistance is lower. The lenses are not quite red enough but blow away the bright red jewels and commercial lenses for that realistic-when-dark look. I could not find my Tamiya transparent red paint I use to die lamps. Mostly I use the orange or yellow when doing loco installations.
I checked out the lettering and then used some scrap Foothills Model Works set.
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Re: C&S #1000

Doug Heitkamp

Your next photo-etch project...

Doug Heitkamp
Centennial, CO
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Re: C&S #1000

Jeff Ramsey
Doug, where did those come from? Are they standard gauge? Or replicated?
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Re: C&S #1000

Doug Heitkamp

I grabbed the pictures off of eBay a few years ago. Don't know much more than that, but the seller stated that they were originals.

Doug Heitkamp
Centennial, CO
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
In reply to this post by Derrell Poole
The trip to the paint shop is complete and the lettering folks are now hard at work.

A couple notes on Thinfilm decals. The circular trademark is a two-step application starting with a black circle. Compare the black circle in the package with the white lettering.  The black circle should be barely larger than the white circle. I believe someone accidentally placed 1:48 black circles in 1:64 packages. (And when you buy Thinfilm,  make certain your set has the black circles. )

Also, for those of you modelling 1000, the caboose set doesn't anticipate this car and is shy of zeros. So, get an extra set. I scavenged a zero from a spare boxcar set, but the number is a scale 1" smaller. Not enough to make me want to take it off, but enough to make me look twice.

On to markers and wrapping up the decoder install, programming and final assembly.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Jim Courtney
Quite the bevy of bobbers.  Looking good, Keith!
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
Thank you, Jim.

Derrell has set the standard high for me. At the start of the project, I just wanted to get them all lettered and the windows glazed.

Now they are all lettered, and the goal is to add pick-ups to the insulated wheels and get Soundcars, Currentkeepers, and markers in the other three. Plus the glazing. I learned a lot on the first one--and it is not done yet--that I can apply to the production of the other three.

For example, Derrell showed us his pickup circuit board for the 'whisker wire' that wipes the wheel tread. He placed his circuit board inboard of the wheel, tight with the permanently mounted sideframe. The whisker wire extends toward the end platform and Derrell was generous with the length. I think the result is less friction as the whisker wipes the wheel tread. I mounted my circuit board almost directly under the wheel tread, and my whisker is shorter. Both combine to create more friction. The good thing is the car will not roll on a grade; pulling it up the grade may be more of an issue. I may return to #1000 and address this once the other cars are complete.

I can confirm that the parts on this car are intimate such that the pick-up is not at all visible under the car.

And, for those of you wondering, it is unlikely any of the fleet will get a "monkey tail." These cars will get PBL real rubber air hoses, and unless Leadville Shops comes up with a neat brass casting and a way to connect it to the rubber air hose, we will go without. Though the rear platform of the passenger car could benefit as well.

Ce est la vie.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Robert McFarland
There is a good photo of C&S 1000 in the Park County Archives photo section under the COMO-RAILROAD heading-photo 1820.
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
Thanks,  Robert. I will check it out.

Glazing got installed today,  along with some decoder programming and leads for the marker lamps. Markers are next up.

A trip to the hobby shop yielded Soundcar chips and current keepers for the other three cabeese. These are on the assembly line now.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes

Got the marker bulbs installed today.  Looks like the Conductor is becoming impatient with how long this project is taking.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Tim Schreiner
Looks really good.
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
In reply to this post by Keith Hayes

After some seasonal distractions,  I am happy to report that I am back on the caboose project. The markers are complete and now it is time to finish wiring and complete the installations.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: C&S #1000

Chris Walker
In reply to this post by Keith Hayes
Keith Hayes wrote
 Looks like the Conductor is becoming impatient with how long this project is taking.
Don't you mean..."I wonder if anyone has noticed that Drawbar we tore out last week?"

Nice work there young man.
in New Zealand
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Re: C&S #1000

Keith Hayes
I'm a getting there. The drawbar is one of the last pieces to add.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3