C&S' Forks Creek today (video)

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C&S' Forks Creek today (video)

Kurt Maechner
My family and I had a chance to visit the site of Forks Creek for the first time. The trails in Clear Creek have made access to some of these areas very helpful. We parked our car near highway tunnel 5 and hiked the path which begins on the grade. The grade shortly after the start once crossed Clear Creek (the abutments are still there). We followed the trail around until we reached Forks Creek.

I made the following video and attempted to line up a 1939 photo of C&S 71 at Forks Creek (albeit from the opposite side of the creek from the photographer). A little more info can be found on this post.



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Re: C&S' Forks Creek today (video)

Thank you very much for posting. It must be more than 20 years since I last have been there.
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Re: C&S' Forks Creek today (video)

Kurt Maechner
I put together a blog post of some photos of Forks Creek showing the changes over the years. Some of them were during railroad days. Some are changes of the road configuration after railroad days.

Here's one of them showing a time before the wye track was added:
