Bogies and the.......Walshearts Valve Gear

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Bogies and the.......Walshearts Valve Gear

Robert McFarland
Could somebody familiar with the mechanics of operating a steam locomotive please take a photo showing a Mason Bogie's valve gear and label the various moving parts- then explain how an engineer adjusts the Johnson Bar and throttle as he's  running the loco.In looking at various Mason Bogie pictures there seem to be differences in the positioning of parts in the valve gear.
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Re: Bogies and the.......Walshearts Valve Gear

Derrell Poole

Do you have a computer?

Do you have the internet?

Type in Walschaert Valve Gear in your search engine. A whole bunch of options should come up. Apply yourself to understanding  the fundamental functions of the components and I'll bet you can figure this question out for yourself. Then how 'bout you post a topic on what you've found out. Believe it or not this isn't the MacDonalds of Blogs.
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RE: Bogies and the.......Walshearts Valve Gear

Robert Stears

Sorry Brother Derrell, wrong Bob.


From: Derrell Poole [via C&Sn3 Discussion Forum] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 10:04 PM
To: Robert Stears
Subject: Re: Bogies and the.......Walshearts Valve Gear



Do you have a computer?

Do you have the internet?

Type in Walschaert Valve Gear in your search engine. A whole bunch of options should come up. Apply yourself to understanding  the fundamental functions of the components and I'll bet you can figure this question out for yourself. Then how 'bout you post a topic on what you've found out. Believe it or not this isn't the MacDonalds of Blogs.

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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Chris Walker
I'm not Bob, but Bob was my Great Uncle {:))
That's a good start. Note we were in it from the beginning.
in New Zealand
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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Robert McFarland
The link Chris posted answered a lot of my questions,and I've started Googling Walschaert's valve gear.
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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Derrell Poole
Very good, Robert. I look forward to a meaningful report - perhaps even a Blog Article - help Roper out.

For what its worth - to everyone who comes here - those of us who share information do so from the desire to understand the matter ourselves and then find it so compelling we just godda tell others. We just can't take "orders". Anyone who wants to contribute is welcome to do so. But please don't sit there with a gimme, gimme look on your face. Contribute... and earn your keep.
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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Rick Steele
Thanks Derrell, we used the Walschearts on both the 844 and 3985. I know how the eccentric and link blocks work, because I had to. But to explain to someone that the overhead lever on the bogie was for the Johnson Bar and setting the link blocks for forward, reverse and moving them closer toward center while moving for greater steam efficiency is a bit too much to describe. I hope that Google has a virtual working model.

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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear


Examples of walschaerts motion and the linkage for reversing.


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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Robert McFarland
From the illustrations and examples given the radius rod is in the bottom of the link in forward motion and the top in reverse.However there was a comment in the Wikipedia article that said some engines had it the other way around.Which way would a Mason be?I'm leaning toward example #1.
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RE: Bogies and the.......Walschaerts Valve Gear

Robert McFarland
After comparing DPL Mason Bogie photos to a photo of one of Art Wallace's drawings on the DSP&PHS site showing the Johnson  bar in the cab I would come to the conclusion that down in the link is Forward and up in the link is Reverse.