#7 in Silver Plume

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#7 in Silver Plume

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Saw someone post a circa 1921 family photo that included #7 on Reddit

Hadn't seen this style of plow with foot steps so close up. Also nice to see the clock of the pavilion.

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Re: #7 in Silver Plume

Jim Courtney
What a great find, Nick! So much detail captured in the grains of silver.

I have see one other photo with this type of simple, sheet metal plow over the stubby pilot with wooden slats:


Since number 8 spent most of her career on Clear Creek with number 7, the snow in the canon likely didn't require the heavy plows. I'll bet that number 7 in your photo had a "Como" spark arrestor as well, dating it to about 1916-1918.

Can anyone date the auto at the left frame??
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: #7 in Silver Plume

Jim Courtney wrote
Since number 8 spent most of her career on Clear Creek with number 7, the snow in the canon likely didn't require the heavy plows. I'll bet that number 7 in your photo had a "Como" spark arrestor as well, dating it to about 1916-1918.
Certainly after 1915 as the electric line from the generator to the electric headlight is nicely shown coming out of the handrail up to the light. Good view of a little detail not often seen.

Skip Egdorf
Skip Egdorf
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Re: #7 in Silver Plume

The reddit post mentions Circa 1921