1977 C&S news (2) - Platte Canon exploration, Mason-Bogie presentation, new purpose for South Park bridge

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1977 C&S news (2) - Platte Canon exploration, Mason-Bogie presentation, new purpose for South Park bridge

Kurt Maechner
I looked through the archive of the Rocky Mountain Rail Report, the newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club, and put a post together with some more miscellaneous South Park Line/C&Sng news from the 1977 editions including:

Platte Canon Bunion Buster follow-up
A description of the Club's visit to the remains of the C&S' grade in Platte Canon.

A Presentation on Mason-Bogies
Art Wallace, old friend of Mac Poor's, gives a presentation on the Mason-Bogie locomotive type.  The Denver, South Park & Pacific was quite fond of these engines in its early days, finding them well-suited to their terrain.

Plan B for Mill Gulch Bridge
This former South Park bridge was dismantled and several plans for its reinstallation were proposed.  This one proposed its use for pedestrians leading to Denver's Mile High Stadium.  This plan was never implemented.


The Mill Gulch Bridge in Bailey where it finally came to rest
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Re: 1977 C&S news (2) - Platte Canon exploration, Mason-Bogie presentation, new purpose for South Park bridge

Paul R.
Another good one Kurt,
The Mason bogie is my favourite loco. Paul R.
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Re: 1977 C&S news (2) - Platte Canon exploration, Mason-Bogie presentation, new purpose for South Park bridge

Kurt Maechner
Thanks Paul,
Here a few other Mason-Bogie details you might enjoy:
One that survived until 1942
What happened to the "Fairplay"-I think this was a Mason-Bogie, though I'm not sure.

You can also read Poor's entire October 1948 article on South Park locomotives at JSTOR.org, but you have to make an account to do it.

Anyway, just some fun stuff to check out.