or,Construction Train Cars in Chalk Creek Canyon.No,we're not looking at Mason #3,the Litchfield boxcar or the Bowers&Dure coach(or the "ghost" beside it).I'm talking about the construction train cars located on the siding-particularly the 4 SG width "Camp Cars".In the post about Fremont Pass I compared them to one of the carbodies at Climax.Would anybody have an idea how long or wide they were.They appear to have stove pipes protruding through the roof,lettering on the sides and in some case,windows.
BTW,thats WHJ-1424
I have wondered if the car body at Frisco was not a early construction outfit. Notice that there are stake pocket supporting the side wall framing, right below the door. Flat outfit?
I have always thought it was a Hallack Bros. car .Compare this to the obvious Hallack Bros. car in the foreground of WHJ-364 or CHS.J922 "10 Mile" pass photo.Notice the Hallack car seems to be sheathed with some sort of paneling or plywood like board.Could it be the battens were a stop-gap to make the sheathing last longer?I don't seem to see any stake pockets.The car in your photo might have been used in construction service.
It appears that there is a stake pocket,but what's it doing below floor level.There is another photo of the car in the Frisco website on Darel's related website list.
Robert, if what you are pointing out is that thing next to the boy, under the side of the car, would`nt that be a cross beam with a chair bracket on the underside for bracing?
Regarding your work hut being transported above. Have you noticed that there is a very similar thing outside of the Pacific hotel in the 1883 photo? Must be on a flat car. I suspect one of the huts being moved from King.
Referring now to a photo in the photos section of the DENVERSOUTHPARK Yahoo group showing two DSP&P MOW cars the boom car in the photo has a cobbled up superstructure built on a flat car .It seems to be held to the car by stakes on the inside of the car side.There are battens on the outside of the superstructure.It would seem that the station and the "Ruby" car were MOW or construction cars
If I am at least partially understanding you Robert, there are trees close to the edge of the track, far side. Could you be looking at a tree near the end wall of the station building.
Don't know what "Ruby" car means or is.
The other photo I am referring to is located in the DENVERSOUTHPARK Yahoo group photo section.It shows two DSP&P MOW cars-what looks to be a 26ft Litchfield boxcar with attached MOW "stuff" and a car that appears to a half body mounted on a flatcar looking like the mate to" the Big Hook"
Focusing on the second photo in the group of enlargements of the Chalk Creek photo there are four short(or is it two long) SG width construction cars.Could they be hand me downs from the UP on narrow gauge trucks?I'm wondering if the glass plate still exists because it is more or less impossible to make out any detail.I wonder if Ron Rudnick would have any info on these cars.