WTB-Overland Models C&S RPO #13

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WTB-Overland Models C&S RPO #13

Hi all,
I'm trying to give into temptation, and decided to TRY...and I mean TRY to purchase an Hon3 Overland Models Colorado & Southern RPO #13. I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd put it out there for all of you to laugh at! All kidding aside, I've been scratch building one for a few months now...and I've been stuck and frustrated with the roof. So out of shear frustration, I thought I'd try to find a brass model instead! If you happen to know of a shop that has one for sale, please let me know so I can connect with them. If by ANY chance, there's a fellow Hon3'r out there that would like to part with theirs, please contact me via the groups private message, or my email at amwing1588 (at) gmail (dot) com. I also have many DRGW brass loco's to trade if that's any temptation!
Thanks, much....and please don't judge!
John Miller
Carlsbad, CA.
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Re: WTB-Overland Models C&S RPO #13

Jim Courtney
Hey John,

Just a thought.

If you need a C&S HOn3 RPO, and are not fatally attached to number 13, you might consider Linn Moedinger's Shapeways print of C&S RPO number 11.

Keith built up an Sn3 version, I experimented with the HOn3 print but never finished it. See: http://c-sng-discussion-forum.254.s1.nabble.com/C-amp-S-RPO-11-Linn-Moedinger-s-Shapeways-Print-in-Sn3-and-Hon3-td12427.html

Since I tried building the HOn3 version of number 11, Linn has redesigned the print to include both body and floor:

You'd need to order the two prints separately:
Body -- https://www.shapeways.com/product/FC8LWKHW2/c-s-baggage-rpo-cars-10-11-12-body-only?optionId=95180334&li=shops
Floor -- https://www.shapeways.com/product/TEMX63LKH/c-s-baggage-rpo-cars-10-11-12-floor-only?optionId=95180880&li=shops

And, if your heart is set on a number 13, it might be possible to carefully cut both the sides off the print, above the fascia board, and just inside the quarter round corners of the ends. That would leave a one piece roof and ends, and new sides for number 13 could be built up and mounted. Dimensions would likely be off a bit in terms of length, but you won't need to scratch build the roof!

Not saying it would be easy (or even possible), just an idea:

I'd offer you my incomplete model for surgical experiments, but Linn's new floor print won't fit into my old car body.

Good luck finding an OMI HOn3 number 13 in brass . . .

Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: WTB-Overland Models C&S RPO #13

Mike Trent
Hi guys. Looks like the roof is part of the body casting in the photo. That would be a real problem if you need to remove it. Great looking castings though. I wish it was available in On3.

When I built my #13, I used parts from a Crossing Gate D&RGW coach kit. Because #13 doesn't have platforms, I needed to shorten the roof parts. To do this, I cut the roof from the front end back to where the bulkhead between the postal end and the baggage end is. Then I carefully made a second cut on the baggage end to leave the correct length to the end of the body.  I used styrene cement to bond the upper roof together and the sides. I used Grandt clerestory windows to support the clerestory roof and to bond to the sides, as they are intended. At the end of the clerestory windows, I cut styrene fillers to complete the clerestory sides. This is the way the Crossing Gate roofs were assembled and it worked perfectly on #13. I think #13 is longer than the UP cars as a DSP&P car, so they probably wouldn't work very well. So, look for a coach roof and cut it shorter. If the clerestory windows are cast on, cut out the window where the bulkhead is and fill the gap with a piece of styrene.

Lastly, I supported the joint with styrene for strength, and applied 3M Magic tape strips over the joint on top. Use 3M because it is the best. It is virtually invisible when painted.
Don't give up! You can do this!

If I left anything out or if you have any questions, just let me know. You can contact me directly by email or post a reply. I'll watch the site pretty often.

Good luck.
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Re: WTB-Overland Models C&S RPO #13

In reply to this post by Jim Courtney
I'm not opposed to RPO's #10-12 and would love to have one of them. I only landed on #13 because of the straight door frames...as opposed to the curved door frames on #'s 10-12. Your proposal of purchasing two prints is intriguing though. One for the #10-12 and then kit-basking using only the roof for #13. I will have to noodle on this a bit.
Another suggestion from the Hon3 io.groups was to use a pre-made roof. The moment I read that, I remembered that Roundhouse (MDC) made, at one time Overton passenger cars. I'm sure there would be a lot of cutting and filling, but they may make a suitable stand-in....Although I'm not sure if they are still available, but I will definitely look into it.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Carlsbad, CA.