Track Gang from Leadville

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Track Gang from Leadville

Mike Trent
We had a track gang arrive here from Leadville to straighten up and move rail and ties here.

Unfortunately the guy who loaded the tools only brought two rail tongs. So they had a bit of a tough day.

Keith was here too, and we spent time commiserating on flanger stuff and BS for a couple of hours. Very glad to have the track guys here. I know they'll sleep well tonight in the old bunkhouse and get to meet new friends here.

Always good to see Keith too. Thanks!

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Re: Track Gang from Leadville

Chris Walker
Your guy's a bit slow?
Years ago Mike, the Ganger came into Loco and asked if we could bring the Shuntengine out up to Creosote(track material reclaim siding) and drag some rails for them, which turned out to be a hoot.
in New Zealand
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Re: Track Gang from Leadville

Mike Trent
Hahaha! I'll bet it was! I'm dragging a hernia around with me that I'm about to get fixed. Those days are partly to blame, I'm sure. I love that the two lead guys look like they are really struggling. The first and maybe second rails of a four man team are a lot easier than the third and fourth. 50lb rail with a 4 man crew is 125lbs per man. I never thought about dragging rail behind a locomotive though.
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Re: Track Gang from Leadville

Tim Schreiner
I don’t think those guys get paid enough??