The Great Wall of Como

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Re: The Great Wall of Como

Darel Leedy
Thanks for the update and photos Todd and Jeff. Looks great! Reminds me of the first year we laid rail at Alpine (94' ? ) Todd.
What size rail are you spiking down? Is the plan to use Fisher rail joiners?
Glad to see this happening. Congrats!
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Re: The Great Wall of Como

Jeff Young
The rail on site is a mix.  We found 3 or 4 different manufacturers stamps; the only one I remember off the top of my head is CF&I.  Some of the date stamps went all the way back to the 19th C.  We were using the lightest stuff which looked to be about 55 lb. (depth a bit over 4”).

Rail is already drilled, and joiners on site are angle bars, not Fisher joints.  The frog is also a bit sharp (#6), but I gather this stuff isn’t easy enough to get ahold of to be too picky.

There’s a lovely two-way Elliot stand and a pair of 3-way Buda stands there.  I posted pictures of those on the Elliot switch stand thread.  The Elliot has a dog-bone base, which may or may not be 100% C&S, but it certainly looks the part.
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Re: The Great Wall of Como

Jeff Young
A couple from Sunday's session:

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Re: The Great Wall of Como

Tim Schreiner
I can't wait to see it next month!!!