This post was updated on Feb 02, 2018; 4:51pm.
Thank you to Mike Trent for providing the following information:
1) Open "New Topic" or "Reply" window, and add subject if necessary.
2) Write text as normal.
3) Move cursor down as if to start new paragraph. This will separate the image from text.
4) Select/click "Insert Image" button.
5) Now you can either click "Browse" to find an image you wish to include from your computer, or you can paste a URL from the internet in the second window.
If you wish to select from your computer, click "Browse". When I do this, the browse window goes directly to my "Pictures" folder and displays thumbnail images. Select one and click "Open". This will place the exact location on your computer from which to upload the image.
6) Now, you can select how the image will appear. To start with, select under "Float", then "Center".
7) Just to the right of "Float", you will see the "re-size" selections. If you want to display the photo full size, then leave this blank. If you want to adjust the size, you can do so. But usually, not selecting anything provides the largest picture.
8) Now you can add a description if desired.
9) Select and click "Insert Image".
10) Now you are returned to your original composition window. You will not see the actual image, but you will see the text added for the page to upload the image. Be careful not to alter or make any change to that information.
11) Now you can either preview your text or "Post Message". When you click "Post Message", you will then see your post as it now appears, with photo on the page.