Steam in Como!

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Re: Steam in Como!

South Park
  Sounds reasonable, ....  just never known that name to be
associated to any forum posters or through other connections.
So, how does one meet Dr. Chuck ?   He seems a little public
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Steam in Como!

He is always here on RR Day, has been around a lot more this year with everything happening.
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Re: Steam in Como!

In reply to this post by ComoDepot
Bought as in move away?
C&S Kebler pass Subdivision
The Kebler Pass Route
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Re: Steam in Como!

Chuck and Kathy were at the Convention last night btw.
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Re: Steam in Como!

In reply to this post by Fatbiker52
I am so sorry about that dumb question about the loco. I wasn't reading the whole thread and missed the part about Chuck.
Here's another for you, that headlight, is original to 'Kate'? Also where's the generator? Just curious.
Fred Cotterell
C&S Kebler pass Subdivision
The Kebler Pass Route
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Re: Steam in Como!

Chris Walker
Headlamp appears to be Oil lamp(Kerosene?), not electric.
in New Zealand
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Re: Steam in Como!

Has an electric bulb in it, no generator yet. Anybody know of one going cheap?
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Re: Steam in Como!

Chris Walker
I don't see a turbogenerator in the original Klondike Mines builder photo, why go to all the expense of acquiring one?
Are you guys planning on running at night ?
in New Zealand
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Re: Steam in Como!

We were working late tonight, getting a dead engine from the Turntable to the Roundhouse is not easy. And not finished. Became too dark and the plan is to finish tomorrow with a winch.
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Re: Steam in Como!

South Park
  Not like an old truck ...  toss it in neutral and have the guys
give it a shove ?  
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Steam in Como!

Tim B
Well, we can't keep doing this. So I guess we need to add a "Critter" to the priority list for next year along with a water tank. Going to be a busy winter ....
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Re: Steam in Como!

Tim B
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
No generator is planned for KMRy #4. The head light (and sometime in the future, back-up light) will be returned to burning oil.
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Re: Steam in Como!

Bernie Perch
You should just get a good industrial compressor and fill the boiler with compressed air and run the locomotive in.  We have moved CNJ 113 this way several times for short moves.

Bernie Perch
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Re: Steam in Como!

That does make sense but not available to us at the moment, pretty sure the power supply would not support that.
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Re: Steam in Como!

South Park
  Call me crazy, but a second steamer on hand might be good ???  Can I
suggest that replica big Mason that other nutcases have discussed for decades
now ?  
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Steam in Como!

Bernie Perch
This post was updated on .
I was referring to a diesel powered, self contained unit like those used in areas where there is no electricity.  Also you should do this to blow out all the pipes, the compressor on the locomotive, and any other place where water will accumulate and gravity will not assist you.  This should be done before the temperature goes below freezing.  You could rent one for a day.

I really enjoy what is happening in Como.

To South Park.  I am part of the WW&F group in Maine who is planning to build a 2-4-4 RT locomotive #11 (see build  I have made a number of foundry patterns for it and the guys have had some of the boiler parts made.  Final completion is many years off.  The DSP&P 2-6-6 RT locomotives were always a favorite of mine.  Using many of the modern methods of fabricating, cutting, and casting, an engine like this could be made and it would be perfect for Como.  Wooden patterns do not have to be made anymore.  With the 3D printing of foundry sand, all one needs is a good 3D computer drawing program, send the disc to the foundry, they print the sand, pour the metal and you don't have a bunch of useless patterns cluttering up some storage area.

For many years I made all sorts of patterns for CNJ 113.  They served their purpose and then were carelessly stored in a trailer.  In the last three days most have been transferred to my cellar, most never to be used again because each steam locomotive needs its own unique cast parts, and for the most part are obsolete, especially in modern foundries.

Bernie Perch
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Re: Steam in Como!

Tim B
Compressors are useful; no doubt. One will be in the shop in the future. We have moved locomotives around at the Sumpter Valley many times on compressed air. However, we just find a critter easier: when we have one that works. Plus a “critter” is needed to not only move the locomotive around but to move all the rolling stock as well. Sure, we only have one car at the moment but more will be coming. Just need more track.

Yes; I know we are doing this backwards! But at least we are doing it

As for a 2-6-6 ? Bernie; drop me an email when you get a chance.
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Re: Steam in Como!

South Park

  Getting tired of your excuses and dilly-dallying ....  only one car,
not enough track, lack of motive power.  Why, it was just this morning
I suggested building a new locomotive, ...  what is taking so long ???  

  Seriously, I am filled with a childlike giddiness every time I think
about that video of No. 4 steamed up on your short length of track.
For forty years, I only dreamed of such an event actually being a reality.
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Steam in Como!

Tim B
I know; I know. Jerry keeps telling me to get off my ass!!

We do have a couple more freight cars coming but they are old D&RGW cars. I hope to track down some more C&S cars but thats going to take more work and a couple of trips to Skagway. No money for that right now. Too many other things that need to be completed before next spring. However, we really do have a great team of people and volunteers. Jeff Badger and his shop crew from the GTL have been a great help along with all the DSP&P Historical Society people that have come out to do the "heavy" work on the tracks.
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Re: Steam in Como!

South Park
  If any of you have an unused time warp/worm hole kind of thing
that I could use to get back and forth between Como and Spokanistan,
I'd give you all the Ooh-rah! I could muster.  Let me know ....  
"Duty above all else except Honor"