Roper's Doghouse Exposure.

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Roper's Doghouse Exposure.

Chris Walker
Good to see the Forum getting a wider audience. I don't ever remember a time when so many were on at once
I'm uncertain if this was a boring Sunday or not, or an abberation in the Nabble format, ie collated all logins that particular day rather than a snapshot at the one time.



My thanks to Darel and Roper.  And Thanks to my Fellow contributors as well.
Onward and Upwards....
in New Zealand
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Re: Roper's Doghouse Exposure.

Jeff Young
Indeed, many thanks to Darel, Roper, and all the contributors!  

This has become one of my favourite stops on the net....

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Re: Roper's Doghouse Exposure.

Darel Leedy
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
I had seen that too Chris. Yeah, me thinks that was a Nabble Blabble.
Thanks for the props guys. But it's you'all who have made this forum what it is. There is a lot of information to digest here! Roper can't keep up.