OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

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OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

South Park
  Likely not C&S, but track appears mighty narrow ....

"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

Bill Uffelman
My books are in storage but isn't that the post closure home built "Boreas Flyer"?

Bill Uffelman

On Monday, January 25, 2016 9:51 AM, South Park [via C&Sn3 Discussion Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

  Likely not C&S, but track appears mighty narrow ....

"Duty above all else except Honor"

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Re: OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

Sandy River TWO foot
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Re: OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

Chris Walker
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Re: OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

Robert McFarland
Not long ago there was a short article on somebody's website-I think it was Glen Brewer's ,about SanCristobal RR testing their "goose" on the C&S somewhere in Platte Canyon It included one or two  photos and  had a longer passenger body,no freight,and a large cast iron drive wheel.Victor Miller was thinking about using "geese" when he tried to buy C&Sng.
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Re: OT - ID Railroad, Location ?

Rick Steele
Yes Robert, this is documented in the ICC hearing to allow the C&S to "give" the South Park to either the Denver, Leadville and Alma Railroad or another person vying for the line. I can't remember the proper name for it now.

It was noted in the ICC hearing docket that Victor Miller planned to run Geese from Denver to Leadville and run freights as necessary, following the same scenario as the Rio Grande Southern.
