Nighthawk Branch

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Nighthawk Branch

Robert McFarland
Were any pictures taken of the Nighthawk Branch?Any info available?
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Re: Nighthawk Branch

For a series of photos of the Nighthawk Branch, see pages 49-53 in Tom Klinger, "C&S Platte Canon Memories & Then Some" (privately published, Tom Klinger, 2007).  See the photo captions for the various source collections.  There are no actual trains in any of the photos, but in one photo, there is one lone flat car on the single track below the "The Chutes."  The flatcar has perhaps been "spotted" for loading cut granite blocks from the quarry along the tracks at this location.  
Craig H. Trout
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Re: Nighthawk Branch

Daniel Frauenhoff
In reply to this post by Robert McFarland
Not aware of any photographs of the Nighthawk branch other than the five found in the George Diary. Two show the narrows, two show a stagecoach below Eagle Rock and one is a panorama from the hillside taken near Eagle rock. Mr. Klinger published 3 or 4? of them I believe. Here are both the stagecoach views as I believe only one of the two was published:

George Diary, 163

George Diary, 162
