Jim's UP drawing is interesting. When I copied it to my computer, he had titled it "Pancake Stack". What's interesting about it is that I think that's exactly what the drawing is, but the dimensions seem to have been changed to an actual McConnell stack, as appears on one of the drawings I posted yesterday. The profiles are completely different, and if you were to set out to make one for Klondyke Kate, this is what you'd get, and it doesn't really look like the drawing:
This is C&S #7, as DL&G #112 with a true McConnell stack in the 1880's.
If one were to be made for Kate, I'd suggest using a larger diameter sleeve which might fit over the real stack, and then make the diamond somewhat proportional in shape to the drawings. What you'll end up with can positively be called a South Park Pancake Stack, but it really isn't a McConnell. A lot of people think they are the same thing, and they do look similar, but they aren't. The Pancake stacks actually did appear in DSP&P days, as a variation of the Diamond stack. I learned the difference back in 2011 when I built my #7: