Ice Production on the South Park

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Ice Production on the South Park

CM Auditor
I have been asked to provide a presentation at the South Park Convention in Buena Vista tomorrow on this topic.  I went through all of my South Park sources to see what I could find.  Turns out I found one photo of natural ice cutting in the vicinity of Sheridan Junction along the South Platte river and a grand total of two references to ice in my source material.  One was that Turmbull used Ice to increase his operating ratio during the late DL&G days and another that stated each hotel season they ran a train with ten tons of ice and coal up the line to establish the hotels for the "season."  

Is anyone aware of more material on the collection of natural ice on the line?

Thanks and hope to see you in BV tomorrow.

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Re: Ice Production on the South Park

There are lots of references to the Ice Rush down by Shawnee, and of course one mild winter they harvested Ice from Lake Como.

Big business back in the day.
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Re: Ice Production on the South Park

Chris Walker
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Re: Ice Production on the South Park

CM Auditor
Thanks guys,
I am looking forward to seeing some of this evening at the BV gathering.