Fate of Kokomo schoolhouse?

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Fate of Kokomo schoolhouse?

Jeff Young
I have a hazy memory that the schoolhouse survived the town's demise and was moved somewhere nearby (Leadville or something).  But try as I might, I now can't find any record of this.

Did I dream this up on my own after one too many whiskeys?

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Re: Fate of Kokomo schoolhouse?

Jim Courtney

You may be thinking of the old church at Dillon.  It was moved to higher ground when the old townsite was flooded by the Dillon Reservoir.

Not sure what happend to the school house at Kokomo.

Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Fate of Kokomo schoolhouse?

Jeff Young
Rats.  I guess I’ll have to “measure” it from photos.
