Dillon Dickey Puzzle

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Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
It seems to be kind of quiet over here.
So I thought I could post a puzzle.
In May 1961 I walked the C&S grade from Dillon to Dickey.
These photos are 2 of the many I took.
Unfortunately I have lost track of location information.
Any thoughts as to approximate location?
Of course this is all under water now.


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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Chris Walker
Hello Jimmy,
great pictures to round out the year.

top picture looks like the climb up to Frisco, there was a tangent a little ways up from the curve out of Dickey.
USGS Dillon 1935 Quad.

the bottom looks like the Snake R. valley a little ways up and headed to Keystone. That's the only place where the roadbed was low to the river channel and winding.
USGS Dillon 1935 Quad.

That's my take, fwiw.
in New Zealand
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
I was hoping you would offer some suggestions.

I don't recall making the Keystone branch part of my travels but then I'm talking about 60 years ago.

I have added 2 more views.


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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Chris Walker
what wonderful views to spark the imagination, I for one, am very appreciative of your share of these.

For your additional pictures, 1st shot....
Here's a google maps snip from 39.60071417353018, -106.016624693944 looking down the Snake R. arm towards old Dillon.
Looks like you were just a ways upstream, but shooting the opposite direction from the previous shot, that I thought resonated the Snake River.

The 2nd shot eludes me....unless it is also at the mouth of the Snake which would throw, top photo:initial post(what I thought was the climb to Frisco) as being in this same area.  The climb to Frisco is too close to the mountains, those should show in the distance of that view, and the draw(up to Frisco) isn't as deep as your photo location on hindsight.  

Maybe you took a short side hike up the Keystone Br. perhaps taking these four pictures?  Do you remember hooking out on the Highline towards Frisco as well?

in New Zealand
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

In reply to this post by Jimmy Blouch
Jimmy and others,
Real head scratcher images from days gone by.  I did find that if the images are downloaded to photo shop and the contrast is increased greatly that the mountain range in the background is visible.  I was thinking the images would be looking basically to the north (down stream) so that Jimmy would not be looking into the sun.   However that did not help me!  Maybe with our dry weather one will be able to walk the mud flats to Dickey by late summer to get a better prospective. Will have to talk about the photos.
Tom Klinger
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
No I did not hike from Dickey towards Frisco.

My goal was to photograph entire C&S grade between Dillon and Dicky during May 1961.  This because of pending dam construction.
I started at Dillon so all views would be facing south.
With the exception of possible Keystone branch views.
When I received the prints I failed to identify them and in the meantime they are now out of sequence.
I realize it is next to impossible to come up with a possible location for the tree lined views.

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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
Today I tested positive for COVID.
So my postings will slow down a tad.

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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

South Park
Did you catch the Santacron Variant ?  Twice I have tested positive.
Twice I have tested negative.  I am done with the media hype and
endless political spin.  Hope you stay healthy.
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Todd A Ferguson
In reply to this post by Jimmy Blouch
Prayers for healing and strength in Jesus precious name, Amen...
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Todd A Ferguson
In reply to this post by South Park
Back at the start of this virus I had a friend in Florida who got 4 different tests in one day...2 positive and 2 negative...
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
The way I feel I'm pretty sure it's positive.

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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jeff Young
Wishing you a speedy recovery Jimmy.
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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Jimmy Blouch
In reply to this post by Jimmy Blouch
Two views of Dickey taken same day

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Re: Dillon Dickey Puzzle

Fred 52

I had the Virus back in 2020, I'm praying for you. Your pictures while they open a vista to the past of the C&S also saddens me to think that it's all underwater now. It reminds of a song by John Prine "Mulhenburg County" 'They wrote it all down as the Progress of man'.

Fred C.
Somewhere up Ohio Creek
Some where up Ohio Creek