DSP&P / D&RG car interchange

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DSP&P / D&RG car interchange

jason midyette
Does anyone know how much, if any, interchange there was between the South Park and the Rio Grande in the early years? (especially around the time of the shared line between Buena Vista and Leadville)


Jason Midyette
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Re: DSP&P / D&RG car interchange

Robert McFarland
About the time that the end of track was at Weston there was a car(and locomotive ) shortage.In order to keep things moving the DSP&P was able to use D&RG cars and also leased D&RG(and AT&SF) locomotives.Check out Ron Rudnick's DSP&P freight car  book
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Re: DSP&P / D&RG car interchange

Jimmy Blouch
What is the title for Ron Rudnick's book and is it available somewhere?

Thank you.
