D&LG Survey to Aspen from Fairplay?

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D&LG Survey to Aspen from Fairplay?

CM Auditor
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• 7-28-1888 – THE UNION PACIFIC – It is announced under good authority that the Union Pacific has three corps of surveyors distributed at proper points in Park, Lake and Gilpin counties, and that the entire three corps are directed by Mr. W.E. Barlow.  The first corps is surveying over the Park range, east of this city, and the second west of this city and east of the Roaring Forks valley and the third near Aspen.  The object of the Union Pacific in these surveys is to lay a line from Fairplay, or some point near there, to Aspen, making Leadville a centre.  That the Union Pacific has made no effort to reach the great mineral belt and coal fields west of the Continental divide has been a much discussed matter ever since the Rio Grande and Midland completed their lines.  Further developments regarding the proposed new line will be awaited with great interest.  Leadville Evening Chronicle

Folks I found this entry from the Leadville Evening Chronicle during my research on the CM.  What amazes me is that a line to Aspen didn't take off from the lines out Gunnison or Leadville.  

Tom VanWormer
Monument CO

Found more on the UP survey party.
• 8-7-1888 – A party of Union Pacific surveyors have been at work for some time past on Independence Pass.  Sheriff White, who has just come in over the pass reports that they are camped at Mountain Boy Park and that they have run a line clear over the mountain.  Aspen Daily Times
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Re: D&LG Survey to Aspen from Fairplay?

When I was looking through the old newspapers on line there were all sorts of odd proposals. most seemed designed to part the backers from their money than likely to achieve anything.

Let us say that this had some element of truth behind it, the obvious route would be from Frisco west to Aspen. From South Park to Leadville, well over Weston but much easier to run up from BV.
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Re: D&LG Survey to Aspen from Fairplay?

South Park
  Aspen to Fairplay ?  All that would be required is the moving of two mountain ranges
and a reason to connect the two points !  Two tunnels, one under the Mosquito Range
and another under Mt. Elbert (with a small trestle or fill across the Arkansas Valley)
might have been another option.  Of course, figuring out why one would want a direct
rail line to Fairplay from Aspen seems a bit of a challenge.  
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