Caboose 1005 and 1008

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Caboose 1005 and 1008

Keith Hayes
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Finishing the Soundcar install in short Waycar 1005 and 1008.

Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: Caboose 1005 and 1008

Keith Hayes
I colored the bulbs in Tamiya transparent amber acrylic paint for a wick look.

1005 is done and seems to work. 1008 is next up.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: Micro mini LEDs

Keith Hayes
I was at an operating session last week and everyone was swaning over an Espee-style SW1 with all the jewelry and operating lights (translation: First generation General Motors diesel switcher with more headlights than anyone needs, and they all flash or strobe as appropriate). Turns out these were all micro mini LEDs bought on EBAY,  of course. They told me what to search for, and I ordered some. Cautionary warning: order product with leads pre soldered!

All I can say is wow! They are tiny! I always figured the smallest ones were huge, and thus shied away from LEDs. You can see they are smaller than the bulbs I got from PBL, and the leads are far longer--a huge advantage with my large fingers in the confines of a waycar. And they are only about a buck a piece. Now to resurrect the sound car project.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: Micro mini LEDs

Jim Courtney
LED link, please??
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Micro mini LEDs

Keith Hayes
I think it was this:

Search for "0402 LED"

I told Ms. Alyson that I was concerned that the chip would not fit inside the marker lamp casting and they are actually SMALLER than the bulbs from PBL, and the leads come out the same end and are longer!! I will have to redo 1005 and 1008 . I need to check the Soundraxx documentation and see if I can get the lights to flicker like a kerosene lamp...which takes me back to the programming track project.
Keith Hayes
Leadville in Sn3
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Re: Micro mini LEDs

Chris Walker
Don't forget that the Kero Markers used to blow out on windy nights too Keith.  
Our Sidelamps were all kero fired up until they were no longer required with the introduction of flashing rear markers(pre-dating Freds), used to give a chill when looking back and couldn't suddenly see the rear of the train where it should have been.  
Jeeze, that memory dates me huh! Think I'll go take a nap.
in New Zealand