C&Sng at CRRM, part 8

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C&Sng at CRRM, part 8

Kurt Maechner
Here is part 8 in this series on the acquisition of C&S narrow gauge equipment at the Colorado Railroad Museum.

This part follows two of the original three C&Sng cars acquired by Bob Richardson for the Narrow Gauge Museum, C&S boxcar 8308 and C&S refrigerator car 1116.  Both were sold to the Magic Mountain theme park, stripped to their frames, and turned into rider cars.   Later they were used for restaurant pieces.  In this part of the series you'll learn what happened to them after they were removed from the Heritage Square restaurant.  Another C&Sng boxcar numbered 8310 also comes into the story.

As always, if you know more or have corrections, I would love to know.


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Re: C&Sng at CRRM, part 8

Al Pomeroy

As i have stated before, the boxcar under-frame at the CRRM is not C&S 8308. the under frame is different than that of the original 8714. the existing under frame is from  the first group of C&S steel under frame cars. pictures have born this out. my speculation is the car #s were swapped in 1942 when cars went to CFCP. it is my belief that the under frame is that of former C&S 8256 at the time RGS 8715, also an outfit car at this time. this also accounts for the lack of the roof hatches in later years. the car with roof hatches being the original C&S 8308/ RGS 8714. Published info claiming the roof was repaired to eliminate the the roof hatches is in error IMHO. you can eliminate the roof hatches, yes, but swapping the under-frame out was not something they would do.
anyone seen a picture of RGS 8715 in service on the RGS?

Al P.
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Re: C&Sng at CRRM, part 8

Kurt Maechner
Hi Al,
Thanks for that info.  Your points make sense.  I may have to readjust my text eventually as all my sources of research refer to it as 8308.