C&S coach 70 to be restored!

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C&S coach 70 to be restored!

Kurt Maechner
I just received word from Bob Bowland, longtime Idaho Springs resident, of the following very exciting news:

C&S coach 70 "will be transported to the Georgetown Loop shops for a full restoration about the end of this month [October] when the Loop operations close down. The loop will be able to retain some staff using pandemic employment funds.  The City[of Idaho Springs] is obligated, among other things, to construct a train shed over the whole train. Seems about as win-win as most deals get."

Unfortunately, I don't have any other details, but if anyone else knows more, please share.  This is great news!
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Re: C&S coach 70 to be restored!

Kurt Maechner
Does anyone have any info on coach 70 since it was moved to Silver Plume for evaluation?
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Re: C&S coach 70 to be restored!


Last I heard was # 70 was in Silver Plume, in the enginehouse and being worked on.  So, apparently funds were available and the evaluation had been done.  I head they were removing things and work was started.

                                    Duncan harvey

On 2/22/2021 5:51 PM, Kurt Maechner [via C&Sng Discussion Forum] wrote:
Does anyone have any info on coach 70 since it was moved to Silver Plume for evaluation?

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