Bridge over the Arkansas

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Bridge over the Arkansas

Todd Hackett
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

South Park
  What is wrong with these people ?  Don't they know a fall hazard
when they see one ?  Where are the guard railings, safety nets, full
body harnesses, lanyards, and helmets ?
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
Was this on the east bank or the west bank?
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
Check out the railing near the boxcar door that the brakeman is hanging his legs over the side of the car.Could the first passenger car  be 2nd #2? The second a Bowers and Dure car? The third #3 or #5?
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

In reply to this post by South Park
Obviously OSHA is falling down on the job. All that aside just how old is the picture? I think that ithas great detail.

Not undewater from Cindy....yet
C&S Kebler pass Subdivision
The Kebler Pass Route
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
Some time between 1880 and 1883.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Paul R.
In reply to this post by Robert McFarland
Has that boxcar got a small window near the brakeman's leg? Paul R.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

I doubt it can be proven but looks like it was taken from the west bank.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Jim Courtney
In reply to this post by Paul R.
I dunno . . . the boxcar is one of the Litchfield 26 foot boxcars, judging from the circular poling pocket on the lower corner iron and the flat lower edge to the end fascia:

It is obviously being used as a baggage car, and has a stirrup step at the left end of the side door opening and a wide vertical hand grab attached to the door stop at the left end of the side door.

The framing under the trainman's leg, to me, looks like a two rung partial ladder.  If so, talk about your safety violation! The brakeman would have to climb up on the horizontal attachments of the grab iron to reach the ladder and climb to the roof!

And is it just me, but does the first blurry letter to the left of the door look like a capital "B", for "Baggage"??

Perhaps Ron Rudnick could clarify what we're seeing.
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Todd Hackett
Here's a full-resolution crop of the boxcar from my print:

It does look like a window to me. I don't see any "B" though.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Todd Hackett
In reply to this post by ComoDepot
ComoDepot wrote
I doubt it can be proven but looks like it was taken from the west bank.
From the shadows, I'd say it's probably from the east bank (so we're seeing the south side of the train).
Here's the view from the west bank:

The people are standing on the west abutment, and the east abutment is inside the red ellipse.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
Photo taken at the DSP&PHS 2016 Convention?
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Chris Walker
In reply to this post by Paul R.
Looks like a window to me.  Robert adamantly says no, why is that Robert?  You have a picture in mind perhaps?
in New Zealand
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
It is a window.Right beside it appears to be a crudely built side ladder between it and the boxcar door.Somewhat like the one in the cover photo on one of the B&Ls taken at Heywood Springs post 1885  showing one of the Cooke Consolidations.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Jim Courtney
In reply to this post by Todd Hackett
Thanks for the hi-res enlargement.

Yep, looks like a window to me!

What my eye saw as a ladder rung is the horizontal bottoms of the trainman's dangling boots.
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Todd Hackett
In reply to this post by Robert McFarland
Robert McFarland wrote
Photo taken at the DSP&PHS 2016 Convention?
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

South Park
  So, ....  where did the bridge go ???  
"Duty above all else except Honor"
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

Robert McFarland
It went bye-bye,but it was a highway bridge for awhile after the rails were taken up.There is a photo of it in use as a highway bridge.Which raises the question of what year was it dismantled.
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Re: Bridge over the Arkansas

I have tried to find out the history of roads in South Park, wanted to know when we got bypassed etc much harder than Railroad history.