Books on the C&S/DSP&P

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Re: Books on the C&S/DSP&P

Ken Ford
Hi, all -

New guy here just back from a week in Breck where I acquired a bad case of NG fever.  I’m a long time modeler currently working in P:48, but I can see myself doing a little C&S three foot dabbling on the side.

What books should I be looking for to read up on the C&S in the Breckenridge, Dickey, Dillon, Keystone and Frisco areas?  What I’ve been reading on the forum has whetted my appetite for more.

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Re: Books on the C&S/DSP&P

Jeff Young
Hi Ken, and welcome!

The books listed earlier in the thread are great for general interest, but there’s not much in-depth coverage of the areas you listed.  The Mac Poor books have probably the most info in the station list in the back.

There’s also the recently published Summit County's Narrow-Gauge Railroads, which is mostly pictures, but there’s nothing wrong with that. :)

Did you get over to Como while you were there?  Well worth a visit….


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Re: Books on the C&S/DSP&P

Ken Ford
Thanks, Jeff!  I picked up a few books while we were out there, and have a few more on the way now.  I’m also interested in the Clear Creek route, and there seem to be more books available about that line.  I just ordered the Summit County book, too - thank you for the suggestion.

We did the drive over Boreas to Como, and that pretty much clinched it for me.  Spectacular!