Bachmann passenger car roofs.

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Bachmann passenger car roofs.

I know I'm probably beating a deadhorse but I have jst before abandonment.a simple question. Way can be done to the roofs of both coaches and combines to reflect cars have seen a lot of use? The stock cars seem a little too 'new'. Since o rr is going to be set in the era of  period of the late 20's into the mid I 30's I what to go for a used look.

C&S Kebler pass Subdivision
The Kebler Pass Route
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Re: Bachmann passenger car roofs.

Jeff Young
Hi Fred,

The HOn3 Blackstone cars have the same problem.  Are the Bachmann roofs black or green?  Either way, what I've done is mix up some washes both a little lighter and a little darker than the base roof, and then streaked them in the way water would run off the roof.

I did the same with the Silica bunkhouse (a re-used combine body):

The effect is pretty subtle,  but I think that's what you want as the passenger fleet was pretty-well maintained even in the hard times.

My coal cars, for instance, are much more heavily weathered:

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Re: Bachmann passenger car roofs.

Thanks Jeff. Seems I have some work to do. I hope to start on my benchwork soon. The way that things are we get to use about half our living room.
C&S Kebler pass Subdivision
The Kebler Pass Route