Alpine Section House

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Alpine Section House

Lee Gustafson
This is a build of the O scale Alpine section house.

Lee Gustafson

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Re: Alpine Section House

Jeff Young
Nice.  You doing the engine house too?  (I was hoping to do at least a corner of the ruins, but I don’t think I have room even for that.)
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Re: Alpine Section House

Lee Gustafson
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the comment. My Alpine scene includes the section house, water tank, the "station", a hand car shed and the tunnel portal. No engine house. The not enough room problem. On another section of the layout is a 3 stall version of the Como roundhouse.

Lee Gustafson
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Re: Alpine Section House

Chris Walker
This post was updated on .
Over the years there has been several discussions on the fires that destroyed the two Stone structures at Alpine Tunnel.  There was an opinion floated that the Boardinghouse/Sectionhouse was burned before the Enginehouse.  This enlargement from a glass plate shows evidence to support the notion that there was considerable damage done to the roof prior to the Enginehouse burning but whether it be by fire or snowload isn't quite clear.

in New Zealand
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Re: Alpine Section House

Assuming I just looked at the building without knowing any history, the state of the roof and the missing stones on the parapet would suggest to me that it had been long abandoned and it was weather etc related.
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Re: Alpine Section House

Robert McFarland
There is a photo taken of the Engine House and Section House after the fire in Chapter 9 of DSP&P Pictorial. The walls of the Section House are intact-the roof is partially intact and partially collapsed-no fire damage.The Engine House is totally blackened.The two ends and the back wall seemed to have survived the fire-why did the front wall only collapse?Check out the string of bunk cars.